Riverfront Extension

Starting Monday, February 24, 2025, the Grand Boulevard Bridge will close to all traffic in order for Riverfront Extension crews to build track on the bridge.

Work will include:

  • Build tracks on the bridge
  • Install additional drainage lines
  • Construct a new platform at 3rd Street and Grand Boulevard
  • Constructing and pouring concrete for new southbound track on Grand Blvd between 2nd – 3rd Streets
  • Install diamond track and track switches at the 2nd Street and Grand Boulevard intersection
  • Install new north bound tracks on Grand Blvd between 2nd St and the bridge.

Click this link to read more about the work associated with this bridge closure and view detour maps.

Follow the Riverfront Extension construction progress on the project website: www.riverfrontextension.com.


UPDATE: February 28, 2023


KC Streetcar rail delivery began this week for the Riverfront Extension



Rail delivery of 200 tons of 112 Tram Rail began this week for the KC Streetcar Riverfront Extension. The delivery arrived via nine trucks over two days and included 275 sticks of rail. Each rail stick is 39 feet long and weighs almost 1,500 pounds. The temporary storage area is located just east of the Port KC office.


This specific project rail is a special order. The 112 Tram Rail provides a shorter profile so it can be installed onto the existing Grand Avenue Viaduct with minimum impact to the existing bridge structure. The remainder of the riverfront extension will use 115# T-Rail, which is also the same rail on the downtown streetcar route.  The remainder of the Riverfront Extension project rail is anticipated to be delivered in 2024.


Once complete, the KC Streetcar Riverfront Extension will connect from the downtown line at 3rd Street and Grand Boulevard in the River Market, travel on the existing Grand Avenue Viaduct and end near the midpoint of Berkley Riverfront. The Kansas City Streetcar Authority (KCSA), the Kansas City Area Transportation Authority (KCATA), Port KC and the City of Kansas City, Missouri (KCMO) are partnering to deliver the project.

Public Outreach

On December 8, 2022, the project team held a public meeting for the KC Streetcar Riverfront Extension & Bicycle & Pedestrian Bridge project. If you missed the meeting, click the links before for more information.

The KC Streetcar Riverfront Extension project will extend the mobility and economic development benefits of the Kansas City Streetcar to a long-dormant area near downtown – catalyzing economic development and job creation.


Click here for the latest KC Streetcar Route Map which includes the Downtown Line, the Main Street extension, and the Riverfront extension. This route map also includes streetcar stop locations.

The above 2017 video is of a possible KC Streetcar Riverfront Extension. Since then, there has been further work to bring the KC Streetcar to mid-river and includes other design changes.


Bicycle & Pedestrian Bridge

The City of Kansas City, Missouri, is working on the Grand Boulevard bike/pedestrian bridge project which will add a pathway or pair of pathways to the outside of the existing bridge. This will be a Grand Bridge Exhibit dedicated facility for bicyclists and pedestrians, separate from vehicular traffic and the future KC Streetcar Riverfront Extension.


The improvements will provide a safe and continuous connection between the River Market neighborhood/business district and the Berkley Riverfront area. This section of Grand Boulevard is part of the proposed Bike KC plan to include separated bicycle facilities. The project will also include pedestrian accommodations in alignment with the KCMO Walkability Plan to complete the missing pedestrian link to Berkley Riverfront Park.