Economic Development

Streetcars do more than improve mobility and connect people to destinations. Since 2014 (that’s prior to opening day), the downtown KC Streetcar has fueled economic growth. By offering zero fare transit, promoting development, raising property values, attracting businesses and residents, and helping to redefine our city, the KC Streetcar has greatly benefitted not only Downtown Kansas City, Missouri, but the Kansas City metro as well.

Downtown Development by the Numbers

Here are the development numbers in Greater Downtown since 2014 –

  • $4 Billion Completed ($4,011,400,000)
  • $1.2 Billion is currently Under Construction ($1,200,400,000)
  • 1.7 million square feet of new or renovated office space
  • 270,000 square feet of new office space is under construction
  • 9,292 apartments have been completed and added to the market
  • The 9,292 apartments added approximately 13,715 residents (1.64 persons per unit at 90% occupancy)
  • 1,675 apartments are under construction and will add an estimated 2,472 new residents to Downtown.
  • Downtown’s residential population has increased 44% since 2014

State of Downtown

The Downtown Council and mySidewalk have partnered to create a State of Downtown report to demonstrate and measure the ongoing progress in the economy, housing, affordability, and satisfaction of Downtown Kansas City, Missouri. (This data is current as of June 2024):


Downtown Kansas City is the region’s largest employment center blended with the fastest-growing residential neighborhood in the metropolitan area creating a vibrant, mixed-use district with endless opportunities for social connection. Today, Downtown is the very best place for people and businesses to connect with each other. It occupies the most central location in the region and is home to the highest concentration of spaces where people can come together to collaborate and connect.


Learn more about why Downtown Kansas City is the best place to live, work, and play. 

Building Community Through Transit

Developers on the KC Streetcar


The Kansas City Regional Transit Alliance helps tell the “Developers Story” about how the streetcar investment inspired their developments, and how others can help in continuing to realize economic development benefits from our transit investment.


(Video from 2016)