Photo/Film/Video Production Guidelines



Filming and photoshoots are permitted on board the KC Streetcar and at KC Streetcar designated stops; however, please contact the KC Streetcar’s Communications Director to discuss your particular needs as restrictions may apply.


Step One: To begin your request, please contact the KC Film Office regarding the various permissions and permits needed to perform location shoots.


Step Two: Fill out and submit the below form to make sure the work can be accommodated in compliance with the KC Streetcar’s regulations and safety requirements.  If a Track Access Permit is needed, please apply for it at least one week prior to filming/shooting.


Click here for the Photo, Film and Video Request Form.


For questions or more information contact:

Donna Mandelbaum, Communications Director

816-627-2526 |


  • Equipment (photography, film, video or otherwise) is never allowed to be set up on the streetcar tracks.
  • Those involved in a photography shoot or filming (talent, producers, directors, etc, any personnel) are never allowed to stand on the streetcar tracks or set up on or between the streetcar tracks at anytime.
  • Those involved in a photography shoot or filming (talent, producers, directors, etc, any personnel) should never interfere with the operations of a streetcar nor distract the streetcar operator.
  • Those involved in a photography shoot or filming (except the talent) must wear official KC Streetcar production credentials throughout the production on the KC Streetcar and/or at the KC Streetcar stop. Those badges are granted once the online form has been submitted and production has been approved by the KC Streetcar Authority.
  • No commercial photography without prior authorization and consent from the KC Streetcar Authority.
  • Hand held equipment only, no tripods are permitted on board unless prior permission is granted.
  • Productions must not interfere with passenger safety or streetcar movement at any time.
  • Productions must not set up in the ADA-designated seating section of the streetcar vehicle. If a production is set up in the ADA-designated seating area, they will be asked to move if that area is needed for passengers.
  • The KC Streetcar and its employees or agents, may not be shown in a disparaging manner in the production. Nudity is not allowed.
  • KC Streetcar staff (contractors included) will not be used in the production, if KC Streetcar staff are included in the final version incidentally, the production must obtain releases from said employees prior to release.
  • KC Streetcar riders will not be used in the production, if KC Streetcar riders are included in the final version incidentally, the production must obtain releases from said riders prior to release.
  • The production will be solely responsible for obtaining all required releases and consents for the reproduction or use of any signs, displays, trademarks, service marks, trade names, artwork, posters, wall hangings or any other intellectual property recorded by or appearing in the production.
  • The KC Streetcar Authority owns trademark rights to its logo. Permission for use can be granted as part of a contract, any other use of the KC Streetcar or Ride KC Streetcar logo requires the KC Streetcar Authority’s approval and written consent.
  • The KC Streetcar Authority may request a copy of the completed project to maintain on file for marketing purposes.
  • Production company/filmmaker/photographer hereby releases any and all claims against the KC Streetcar Authority, the City of Kansas City, and Herzog Transit arising from injury or illness during the production.
  • Location of the production must be signed so that members of the public are aware of the activity.
  • All members of the production crew must adhere to the KC Streetcar’s Code of Conduct at all times while on board and at streetcar stops.
  • *During the Covid-19 pandemic, all production crew members must wear face masks while on board the KC Streetcar.