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In Fall 2023, the KC Streetcar Authority conducted an on-board customer (passenger) satisfaction survey with ETC Institute. A statistically significant sample of 880 surveys were completed and available in print and digital, and in English and Spanish. Specific types of information that were gathered on the survey included:
In November 2023, ETC Institute’s Team conducted interviews on the KC Streetcar during these hours:
Riders who boarded the streetcar could fill out the survey by paper or access the survey via scanning a QR code that then directed riders to conduct the survey online. A total of 822 paper surveys (780 English versions and 42 Spanish versions) were collected and 58 riders chose to complete the survey online for a total of 880 completed surveys. The results for 880 completed surveys have a margin of error of +/-3.4% with a 95% level of confidence.
Overall, most riders are satisfied with all KC Streetcar services analyzed. The KC Streetcar services that had the highest ratings of satisfaction, based on the sum of “very satisfied” and “satisfied” responses were ease of use (96%), access to stops (93%), condition of stops (92%), cleanliness of streetcars (92%), and reliability of service (92%). Overall, satisfaction ratings have trended slightly downward from the last survey in 2022. Information on service disruptions and delays (81%) and amenities at stops (75%) remained as the two lowest rating items.
In Spring 2022, the KC Streetcar Authority conducted an on-board customer (passenger) satisfaction survey with ETC Institute. A statistically significant sample of 722 surveys were completed and available in print and digital, and in English and Spanish.
Overall, most riders are satisfied with all KC Streetcar services analyzed. The KC Streetcar services that had the highest ratings of satisfaction, based on the sum of “very satisfied” and “satisfied” responses were ease of use (98.4%), cleanliness of vehicles (96.9%), condition of stations (96.1%), and the professionalism and friendliness of operators and staff (96.0%). Compared to 2019, the last time the survey was conducted, the overall satisfaction ratings for most of KC Streetcar services remained the same and only two services had notable decreases between 2022 and 2019 results. These two services were information on service disruptions and delays (5.3% decrease in satisfaction) and amenities at stops, platforms, and transit centers (6.0% decrease in satisfaction). This year, these two services had the lowest satisfaction ratings of 82.4% and 78.1%, respectively.
In the fall of 2019, the KC Streetcar Authority, along with ETC, conducted a customer satisfaction survey. The primary objective of the survey was to collect and analyze customer opinions regarding all aspects of service. The information collected is intended to serve multiple objectives, including overall satisfaction with KC Streetcar services and who, how, and why riders are using those services.
The 2019 KC Streetcar Onboard Customer Satisfaction Survey was conducted during September 2019. The survey was administered on-board KC Streetcar service on both weekdays and weekends. More than 340 weekday riders and 375 weekend riders completed the survey. The results for the random sample of 722 KC Streetcar customers have a 95 percent level of confidence with a precision margin of error (MOE) of at least +/-3.5 percent (weekday +/- 5.5 percent; weekend +/- 5.5 percent).
In Fall 2017, the KC Streetcar team conducted a ridership survey. Read more about the results here. The full 2017 KC Streetcar and Main Street MAX On-Board Survey Methodology. 2017 KC Streetcar and Main Street MAX On-Board Survey Methodology Report.