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The Kansas City Streetcar Authority (KCSA) is seeking proposals from qualified firms to conduct a KC Streetcar NorthRail Extension Study to advance planning and environmental review for a streetcar extension over the Missouri River to the City of North Kansas City, Missouri.
The scope for this project will include public engagement, bridge assessment, advanced planning, environmental review, and updated cost estimates and financial plan. This project will build on the 2021/2022 NorthRail Refresh Study which identified a preferred alignment and potential funding strategy. Additional details and documents from the 2021/2022 study can be found below.
To be eligible for consideration, one electronic copy of the response to the RFP must be received by KCSA no later than 2:00 PM CST on Friday, August 23, 2024. Submit electronically via email to Lauren Krutty (lkrutty@kcstreetcar.org), subject line “NorthRail Streetcar Extension Study Proposal Submittal.”
Late submittals or modifications of proposals received after the exact hour and date specified for receipt will not be considered. The KCSA reserves the right at any time to change or extend the due date and time for any reason. No submitted responses will be reviewed prior to the due date. No such respondent will have any preference, special designation, advantage or disadvantage whatsoever in the procurement.
Questions should be directed to lkrutty@kcstreetcar.org.
The original NorthRail Streetcar Study was completed in 2014 to assess feasibility and identify a preferred alternative for a northern streetcar extension from the River Market, across the Missouri River, into North Kansas City (NKC). The study included recommendations to facilitate pedestrian-oriented development and to support future transit expansion.
This 2022 NorthRail “refresh” study revisits the 2014 study to confirm alignments and options taking into account a myriad of changes in the past eight years, including:
An extension of the streetcar system into NKC would support major themes in the city’s 2016 Master Plan, be a strategic investment in the future of NKC, and provide multimodal connectivity across the Missouri River. This study, funded jointly by NKC, the Kansas City Streetcar Authority (KCSA), and the Kansas City Area Transportation Authority (KCATA), revisited the technical and financial feasibility of a NorthRail extension while also determining the next steps of a streetcar extension into NKC.
This 2022 NorthRail “refresh” study built on the findings of the 2014 study, including the following assumptions:
In November 2022, the consultant project team finalized the “refresh” NorthRail study with this report.
The Kansas City Streetcar Authority (KCSA) is working with the City of North Kansas City, Missouri (NKC), and the Kansas City Area Transportation Authority (KCATA) to refresh the feasibility of a streetcar over the Missouri River. This study is estimated to be complete by the end of 2022. Click here for information about the project consultant team.
On June 28, 2022, the NorthRail project team held a public meeting and shared the recommendations on the Missouri River crossing options, preferred alignments, and stop locations to connect Downtown Kansas City with North Kansas City via an extension of the downtown KC Streetcar. Study findings and recommendations are based on technical analysis and input from North Kansas City residents and businesses, existing transit riders, and regional stakeholders.
The NorthRail Study investigated river crossing options, preferred alignment, and stop locations to connect Downtown Kansas City with North Kansas City via an extension of the existing downtown KC Streetcar. The study also includes a financial analysis of capital and operating costs, funding sources, and possible federal grant opportunities. The objective is to evaluate overall feasibility and reach consensus on a locally preferred alternative based on community input.
Simultaneous to this study, KCSA and partners are working to identify funding to advance the preferred plan towards environmental clearance, design, and related construction and operations funding.
The primary study area extends from the existing downtown streetcar line in the River Market, across the Missouri River, to approximately 32nd Avenue in North Kansas City, Missouri. The study area is bounded on the west by the Armour-Swift-Burlington (ASB) Railroad Bridge and the BNSF railroad right of way and on the east by Charlotte and Swift Streets.
In 2014, the City of North Kansas City and the City of Kansas City, Missouri, conducted a preliminary study of a streetcar route north of the Missouri River. Results from the 2014 will help to inform the current study. The initial study was conducted prior to the opening of the existing downtown Streetcar line. Since 2014, the land use and development patterns in NKC have continued to evolve. An extension of the Streetcar system into NKC would support major themes in the City’s 2016 Master Plan, be a strategic investment in the future of NKC, and provide enhanced multi-modal connectivity across the Missouri River.
A number of initial alternatives were evaluated focusing on three separate, but connected, geographic areas: