Riverfront Extension 2020 Build Grant

The KC Streetcar to the Riverfront project will extend the mobility and economic development benefits of the Kansas City Streetcar to the underutilized Berkley Riverfront area just north of downtown Kansas City. This will act as a catalyst for economic development and job creation by connecting downtown visitors to our riverfront, the birthplace of Kansas City.

2020 Federal Grant Process

Click here for the full KC Streetcar to the Riverfront Grant Application


Click here for the Benefit-Cost Analysis for the KC Streetcar

A benefit-cost analysis (BCA) was conducted for the Kansas City Streetcar Riverfront Extension for submission to the U.S. Department of Transportation (U.S. DOT) as a requirement of a discretionary grant application for the BUILD 2020 program. The analysis was conducted in accordance with the benefit-cost methodology as outlined by U.S. DOT in the 2020 Benefit-Cost Analysis Guidance for Discretionary Grant Programs. The period of analysis corresponds to 30 years and includes 4 years of construction and 26 years of benefits after operations begin in 2022




Below is a list of individuals, organizations and private companies in support of the KC Streetcar Extension to the Riverfront. Click each name for a direct letter of support.


2018 Federal Grant Process

Click here for the full KC CORE BUILD Grant Application


Click here for the Benefit-Cost Analysis for the KC Streetcar

A benefit-cost analysis (BCA) was conducted for the Kansas City Streetcar Riverfront Extension for submission to the U.S. Department of Transportation (U.S. DOT) as a requirement of a discretionary grant application for the BUILD 2018 program. The analysis was conducted in accordance with the benefit-cost methodology as outlined by U.S. DOT in the 2018 Benefit-Cost Analysis Guidance for Discretionary Grant Programs. The period of analysis corresponds to 30 years and includes 4 years of construction and 26 years of benefits after operations begin in 2022



Below is a list of individuals, organizations and private companies in support of KC CORE. Click each name for a direct letter of support.