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The KC Streetcar is a comprehensive venture in public transit working toward the goal of connecting Kansas City. We want you to enjoy the full benefit of the streetcar. Learn how to plan your trip along the route, use the streetcar safely, and experience what it means to truly RideKC. A regional trip planner, connecting streetcar to bus transit, can be found on the Ride KC website (www.ridekc.org).
When you arrive at a streetcar stop, you’ll notice electronic signs that give you real-time information about streetcar arrival time, service interruptions, and other pertinent information. Remember to be aware of the approaching streetcar and to respect the rail.
KC Streetcar stops, or platforms, offer same-level boarding at the middle doors, making streetcars safe, easy and ADA accessible. When the streetcar comes to a complete stop, please allow for departing riders to exit the streetcar and then board. Please do not attempt to the hold the doors open.
Once you’re on your way, check your phone, listen to your headphones, or chat with people you see every day. The streetcar travels on rails and is powered by electricity for a quiet and smooth journey. Be aware of what stops you approach to make sure you reach your correct destination. To request a stop, passengers must press the red “stop” button or door button. Streetcars do not stop at streetcar stops unless requested or if there are waiting passengers.
As your approach your destination, wait for the streetcar to come to a complete stop. Push the door button to open the doors and then exit. After you exit the platform, remember to look before you cross and use crosswalks.