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Exciting things are happening on the Riverfront and on Friday, March 1, Kansas City celebrated one more addition – the KC Streetcar.
Kansas City was invited to take part in the groundbreaking for a monumental transportation project that will completely transform how the community connects to the Riverfront. Along with project partners – Kansas City Area Transportation Authority (KCATA), Kansas City Streetcar Authority (KCSA), PortKC, and the City of Kansas City, Mo.- the city gathered to mark the start of construction for the KC Streetcar Riverfront Extension. This momentous event kicked off the $61 million project, setting the stage for a new era of connectivity, showcasing Kansas City’s commitment to investing in infrastructure that benefits residents, businesses, and visitors.
Following the ceremony, there was a community open house at the Port KC office, providing an opportunity for residents, businesses, and stakeholders to meet the construction team, engage with project leaders, and learn more about this transformative project.
The KC Streetcar Riverfront Extension will cover 0.7 miles, connecting from the streetcar line at 3rd & Grand to the midpoint of Berkley Riverfront Park, and just steps away from CPKC Stadium. The project is made possible through a collaborative public and private partnership and funded with a combination of federal and local dollars: $35.2 million in federal funding and $25.9 million in local funding.
For more information about the KC Streetcar Riverfront Extension construction, please visit http://riverfrontkcstreetcar.com or find the team online on X (@kcriverfront), Instagram (@kcriverfront), and Facebook (@kcstreetcarriverfront). Contact the construction team by email at info@riverfrontkcstreetcar.com