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Track construction will close Delaware Street between 3rd and Independence Ave starting Monday, February 9 through March 9, 2015. There will also be no on street parking allowed on Delaware Street starting during this time. There is discounted garage parking at 300 Wyandotte (Populous Garage) from 7am-midnight, 7 days per week at a daily rate of $3.00.
KCSC track crews are building track on Delaware Street between 3rd and 5thStreets, as well as continuing southbound track work on Delaware between 5th St and Independence. As a result of work, Delaware St between 3rd-Independence Avenue is closed to thru traffic and will remain closed for 4 weeks.
Crews will be working six days a week to get the work done in this tight timeframe with work possible on Sundays as well. Track work will generally start on the south end at 5th St. and travel north to 3rd St.
In addition to track work, crews will work on a pedestrian median at 5th and Delaware and the Overhead Contact Systems on Delaware Street.
Additionally, water line work will start on Delaware St between 2nd-3rd Streets on Monday, February. 9. This section of Delaware will remain open southbound only with no on-street parking. Local access to parking lots and residential units will be available.
Updates available on this website as well as Twitter (@kcstreetcar) and Facebook (@kcstreetcar). For a map of the Delaware St closure, click here. For a comprehensive map of public parking available within a block of the streetcar line, click here.