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KC Streetcar completes phase one of Riverfront Extension Study, looks to secure TIGER grant funding
Bringing a streetcar line to Berkley Riverfront is now one step closer.
During today’s board meeting, the KC Streetcar Authority (KCSA) approved moving forward with the next phase of technical work for the Streetcar Riverfront Extension and Multi-Modal project. The project management team consists of the KCSA, Port KC and the Kansas City Area Transportation Authority (KCATA).
“The opportunity to better connect our city to our historic riverfront through streetcar and improved transit connections is a generational opportunity that could redefine Kansas City and downtown in the years to come,” said Tom Gerend, executive director of the Kansas City Streetcar Authority.
On August 28, the Board of the Port Authority of Kansas City (Port KC) approved the funding needed to advance the Streetcar Riverfront Extension and Multi-Modal project. The total project cost for this phase is approximately $300,000 and is fully funded by Port KC.
“The transformation of Berkley Riverfront to a premier destination is already underway with apartments, office space, dog park/restaurant, and fitness courts to be completed in 2018. The next step is bringing a multi-modal connection to ensure everyone has access to enjoy the wonderful amenities the riverfront offers,” said Michael Collins, President & CEO of Port KC.
The primary study area for this effort extends from downtown Kansas City, Missouri, and the River Market north to the Missouri River and Berkley Riverfront. The study area is bounded on the west by the ASB Bridge and the BNSF railroad right-of-way and on the east by the Senator Kit Bond Bridge. During the study phase, it was determined that a streetcar to Berkley Riverfront was feasible both structurally and financially. The determination was that the extension should begin at the intersection of 3rd Street and Grand Boulevard., extend over the Grand Boulevard. Bridge, travel briefly on Berkley Pkwy, and then veer to the northeast to parallel River Front Road to a stub end stop near the middle of the riverfront property.
This phase of planning will focus on completing conceptual design for the Riverfront Extension. Other work will include:
In addition to this work, the project team is pursuing federal funding through the Transportation Investment Generating Economic Recovery program, or TIGER, for the construction of this streetcar extension. The downtown streetcar line received $20 million in TIGER funding in 2013.
The KCSA, in coordination with Port KC and the KCATA, selected the team led by Burns and McDonnell to conduct this next phase of planning for the Streetcar Riverfront Extension and Multi-Modal Feasibility Study. This work will occur simultaneously with the Streetcar Southern Extension planning. The report from phase one of this project can be found on the KC Streetcar website, www.kcstreetcar.org.