Downtown Track Work

Track work continues in the CBD this week

7th-12th-on-Main_July13-2015-700x400With track work 95% complete, crews are working days and nights to complete the northbound track in the Central Business District.  Several things of note this week:

  • 10th St is open east bound ONLY, Baltimore-Main.
  • 7/14 โ€“ 7/15: 10th St closed, Main-Walnut.
  • While 10th is closed, Buses will use 8th St to head east bound.
  • 7/14 โ€“ 7/15: 811 Main Garage one lane open.
  • 7/15 & 7/17: 1025 Main Garage closed off of Main St, 12:00am-5:00am ONLY.
  • 7/18: 811 Main Garage Main St Access closed, 12:00am-5:00am.

Here is a map to help guide you around the work zones this week.